10 May, 2010


its has been few days im having a terrible fever.. really weak and exhausted.

awak seniri dah lama tak update blog ... well there is a lot that had happen in this month... especially for the past few days. i don't know exactly how to express it in my blog..

basically what i feel like sharing today is about relationship..
relationship needs trust rite.. so when you have betrayed the trust of your loved once its really hard to gain it back. awak pernah terbaca there is a quote saying that is easy to gain someones trust but its really hard to keep it. i have failed to keep the trust to my love ones.

i dont blame 'dia' kalau this time dia dah make dia nye decision. awak nak tanak have to be ready for it. there is also quote saying that .. 'what goes around comes around'... indeed its karma.. apa yang kita buat kat orang sekarang tuhan bayar cash..

in relation ship basically , you cant predict what will happen.. its important to share and always discuss problems even small things that you may not know will effect the heart of your love ones.
in my previous post i have once talk about abnormal-ians kan.. so basically awak in this type of relationship. at times you intend to control situation but at times it will just slip out of control.

being a abnormal-ians isnt that easy as people may think it is.. your partner expect more.. why?1st because you are their type and your are suppose to understand each other better.. awak sangat stress and im really out of solution how could i make things better...

awak just leh cakap that the truth hurts.. sometimes lies are good cause you're intention is not to lie but your intention is not to hurt your loved once.. so when they intend to find out the truth it may hurt. a piece of advice for anyone that is reading this.. appreciate what you have cause once you loose it you couldn't turn back time.you will never know when its gone...

nite people.. peace and love ya all

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