love is a never ending subject which no one can ever describe it perfectly.
bagi awk la kan awak tak rasa love patot ada limitation... limitation is universal basically.
awak today bukan nak talk about awak nye feeling tapi awak nak cakap love universally.
love can be a lot of undefined things... love banyak type..awak malas nak cakap love to god, love to family , love to love ones sume.
tapi ada one topic yg awak rasa nak trigger nak share dalam blog awak nie. awak tau kalau awak tulis nie confirm awak kena maki sbb it will actually cross the basics of religious and moral values.
ok, when we talk about love..love ni kan besar.. love can be anything.love is not suppose to be wrong or rite tul tak..i mean if berlandaskan hukum hakam yg betul in life la kan.so when sebut pasal hukum hakam in life nie.. kiter tahu yg exist among us love yg abnormal...when we talk about sejenis, it is really sensitif.
awak tak niat nak kutuk sapa2..tapi awak tahu awak akan kena bambu sbb cakap benda ni.awak masih ingat agama awk..and awak tak nafikan love 'setype' nie mmg salah.tapi apa yg awak cuba nak share is..awak kesian sbb feelings and soul thingy nie tak leh nak tipu. awak kesian sbb there is a lot of love among this type of people..sacrifice,tears and sweat ,pain and agony sumenya sama mcm normal people.. awak kadang2 kesian sbb abnormal-ians ni pun ada feeling and hati.
bukan hak awak or hak other people nak jugde benda nie salah or betul..end of the day hanya 'dia' yg satu yg ada hak untuk buat any judgment. the pure, the sacrifice, the true feelings inside yg sanggup devoted dengan partner masing2 is a true love. end of the day its just love. mmg betul abnormal-ians is not supposed to happen religiously, tp logically the attraction is science..
haha... coz awak believe yang all the people in the world they have atleast 10% out of them is GAY. for example : kite suka tgk pompuan lain yg cantik, or maybe lelaki lain yg hensem..so it does attract us even skit tul tak?? so its either feelings to di develop atau pun tak..itu je.. but for all normal people out there..i dont think its our rite to judge how love should be defined as..end of the day everyone needs sumone.
sekian..love love..no war.
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